Hello my name is Grace and I go to WOMS and I have two dogs named Daisy and Sugar. We got Daisy at a puppy mill when I was 4 yrs old.I named her Daisy because when I would take her for a walk she always stopped and ate daisies. She is now 14 years old and she has epileptic seizures. We got Sugar at the pound when she was 6 months old. Her pound puppy name was Venus (they named all of the dogs after planets.). I named her sugar because she is white and really light brown.(brown sugar and white sugar.)We found out sugar was part wolf.I also have a horse named Compadre,which means companion in Spanish,he is the love of my life i could not live without him. My favorite food is craw fish,I LOVE CRAW FISH. My best friend is Brianna Brinkley, but she moved 🙁 . I have blonde hair and brown eyes. My dad is fighting 3 types of cancer and my mom has cataracts. I am dealing with some hard things in my life but the Talley’s are fighters.